Bonjour. Je m'appelle Melissa et je suis your webhostress. Obviously, you've come to this section of my site because you wanted to learn more about me. Well, here we go...
As you know, my name is Melissa. I'm 14 now, my birthday is December 31st, 1987 (same day as Anthony Hopkins', just 60 years later! ^^;) I have red hair and green eyes and I'm 5'5... yeah...
I don't have a boyfriend because I hate guys. And no I am not a lesbian. It's just that guys are such jerks. I don't want a thing to do with them. So, if you're a guy, don't get any ideas :P
I'm a local singer/songwriter who, one day, wants to be famous. Though it's not open yet, I'll have a site about my music soon here. I'm also a writer and a published poet. I might put my poetry on here some time, but I'm not sure how much room I'm going to have after I'm done setting up the rest of my site. Until then, my in-progress books (Strange Wind, Tueur, and Candi: This is My Life) are uploaded on here for your enjoyment. :P Be sure to check them out here, here, and here
My journal, which is friends-locked, can be found here. Like I said, it's friends locked only, but if you're a LJ user, just e-mail me and I'll be glad to add you.
I love going online and making sites, too, if you haven't noticed yet. So, if you wanna know what cliques and fanlistings I belong too, click here.
{ which poe song are you? }
I love Poe, Michelle Branch, and Hannibal. Yeah.
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